
Showing posts from October, 2019

Changing Gmail Password on iPhone 6

You can use your Gmail account not only to send and receive messages but also to login various Google apps like Google Play or Google music. But for security reasons you should change Gmail password regularly. By changing a password at regular intervals, you can keep your account safe from hackers and misuse. As you can use Gmail on various devices, different procedure is required for each device and app to change the password. If you want to change Gmail password on iPhone 6 then continue to read on to find some easy steps to change the Gmail password. Method to change Gmail password on iPhone 6 Follow the steps discussed below to change Gmail password on iPhone 6:      Go to Gmail app on your iPhone.           Log into your account using your credentials like username and password.      Click on the menu button represented by three horizontal lines at the upper left-hand corner.      Click o...

How to fix Google Play Store Not Working?

Google Playstore not working , is a common issue faced by its users. The problem may occur while downloading new apps, as a result Play Store crashes and won’t open. If you are also frequently facing this issue, then continue to read on to find some easy and quick solutions for this error. How to find where the root cause lies? To make sure that the problem is from your end and not from Google’s side, you need to check the Play store status. If many users are facing the same issues, then the problem may be from Google’s end. If you find that the problem is from side, then you need to fix it. First of all, restart your phone, it is a quick fix for many issues. Check your internet connection Check your internet connection and make sure that you are getting a good speed. Switch from Wi-Fi to mobile data, or vice versa. Now check and see if the problem is solved or not. Switch your phone to "airplane mode" and back to normal again. Reset your router to make s...

How to Change Gmail Password on iPhone?

Gmail users want to change their Gmail password for various reasons and security is topmost among them. If you are using Gmail on iPhone and want to change Gmail password on iPhone, it can be done in some simple steps. Continue to read on for methods to change Gmail password on iPhone. Steps to change Gmail password on iPhone:     Launch Gmail app on your iPhone. Go to menu icon denoted by three lines.     Click on settings and then your account. Go to manage your Google account. If you are not using Gmail app, go to          Select personal info at the top.      Click on Password, In the profile section.      Create a new password. Re-enter the new password to confirm.      Click on Change password. Change Gmail password on iPhone using a web browser You can also change your Gmail password on iPhone through the web browser, follow these steps: ...